Taste and Smell that God is Good

“The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” - Robert Burns

So…we were supposed to go on a girls summer road trip. We were supposed to visit my uncles at the beach. We were supposed to leave on Monday at nine o’clock. But it is Monday. At 10 o’clock. And here we sit. Drinking hot water. That is actually coffee. Covid.

Probably not a great poem, but it is our lived reality none the less. I say “our” because, while I am the one with Covid causing the problems, my girls are affected as well. We were supposed to go on a girls summer road trip.

And we may still, though an abbreviated one. At the moment we sit in a holding pattern, waiting and seeing and testing to see if we can pick up the trip in the middle and visit my parents, and my sister, and my friend, and my other friends. (It was an epic trip we had been planning for six months).

But I am not sure how it will pan out. And that is frustrating. But is it really any different than any other damn day? Nope! I placate and pacify myself into believing that I am in control, that anyone or anything is in control, that there is a plan in place. And I have to in order to stay sane. Or do I?

Could I simply just taste and smell (and see!) that God is good and go from there?

Well, right now I literally can neither taste nor smell and I am quite grumpy about it. But, I do have extra time on my hands. And so I plan (ha!) to spend some of it engaged in spiritual practices of wide variety. I enjoy walking and reading and writing and conversing and creating collage. All good blog fodder for the future. So. Stay tuned. Stay healthy. Stay safe.

Grace and Peace!


Letters from Love


Swallowing a Valid Reality